Project Steering Wheel: Like an old batch of collard greens.

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I am searching for the perfect replacement steering wheel for my trusty Scout II. When I bought my Scout, I knew the steering wheel had to go. It was time for an upgrade, and I was determined to find the perfect replacement. Little did I know that this seemingly simple task would become an epic quest with lots of research.

First, I searched the internet for help and found a treasure trove of information about steering wheels for my Scout II. There were so many options, and each one seemed more enticing than the last. I spent hours poring over blog posts, forums, and product reviews, trying to find the perfect wheel for my beloved vehicle.

However, as I delved deeper into the world of steering wheel replacements, I discovered that not all wheels were created equal. Some were too big, some were too small, and some were just plain ugly. Finding the perfect wheel to fit my Scout II and my unique style seemed impossible.

After weeks of searching, I finally found a steering wheel that I thought would be perfect. It was the right size, had a cool design, and even had a matching horn button. I was ecstatic and couldn’t wait to install it on my Scout II.

The Scout Man (link) is where I landed, and I know I will pay a slight premium. I like supporting other shops that help me either save time or sanity, trying to find things that fit my ’72 Scout.

So, after weeks of searching and multiple failed attempts, I finally found a steering wheel that was the right size, had a cool design, and was compatible with my Scout II’s steering column. It was a hard-fought victory but worth it in the end.

And so, my friends, the moral of this story is simple: when it comes to finding the perfect replacement steering wheel for your Scout II, patience, perseverance, and a healthy dose of humor are key. May your quest for the perfect wheel be filled with fewer trials and more triumphs. Happy hunting!
