Project Fresh and Fresh: Emblem Restoration

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$60 per piece.

That is about how much you will have to pay to replace each of these pieces. There is a KIT here you can buy from AnythingScout. I want to see if I can take my old pieces, remove all the paint, and repaint them. I don’t know how they will look on my new paint job, but I sell the ones that don’t work for my restoration.

I am leaning toward all new emblems and have already purchased a few. I will post some of the restored emblems to see what you think. I am

I choose some Black and Red paint. I am trying Testors Model Paint and got them both on amazon.

I used a wire wheel on a drill to remove all the old paint remnants. Once I had them all down to bare metal, I started painting.

They look pretty good, but since I am repainting the whole truck, I think I am going to replace them all. There are some pretty deep dings in the raised metal of the emblem. They are so deep in mine the paint tended to run. I will sell them in my store if you are interested.
