Project Dune Part 3: The sandblasting.

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I have read the horror stories. Sandblasting can warp steel. There are ways to minimize warping and maximize the outcome. I am putting a lot of trust in A2Z Sand Blasing, and I must admit. I am a little nervous. I would say that this portion of the restoration has caused me the most anxiety. I feel as if I am taking the dice, shaking them around, and casting them down the table, and I don’t love the feeling.

I asked my body guy to take videos and pictures, so I hope to have access to those soon, and I will get them up so you guys can see.



Below Are Some Video Stills:

Update: I am getting a trickle of pictures coming in from Sandblasting. It looks like they removed the front left fender. It will be interesting to see if any other panels come off. I am happy because they will get primed and will help with rust!

Update: I got a text from my sand guy today. It is primed up, and we will discuss the next steps. Bodywork may come after I get the axle and lift put on to complete the suspension.

